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March 19, 2012
Holder: We Need to "Really Brainwash" People Against Guns
Over at Hot Air. Captain Ed suggests this is a possible motive for the Fast and Furious operation. "River of Iron" and all that.
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”
Can I ask a stupid question?
If you can't make young urban people (the people Holder's talking about) think that it's not "cool" and it's not "acceptable" to murder people -- or to maim them, forever, crippled, brain-damaged, or impaired for life -- what are the odds you can convince them that simply carrying a piece of steel is a horrible thing to do?
Given the natural (or so I once thought) revulsion people have for taking another human life, isn't that a stronger foundation to build a "brainwashing" campaign on? After all, hopefully they've already got a sense that it's not "cool" to commit murder.
And if you can't make the sale there, where you're already sort of a quarter way home (at least), what good will this brainwashing campaign about guns do?
Or am I wrong? Do they not have this (I thought) inborn aversion to murder?
And if they don't -- should we not, perhaps, begin there? Begin at the beginning, as it were?
This society has a long and proud tradition of helping the less fortunate, no matter what Critical Race Theorists and Marxists (but I repeat myself) might say.
But the society cannot be all about that. Law-abiding citizens should not be made to give up core rights simply because some cohorts cannot handle that right.
Nor, of course, should the core principle of economic freedom be sacrificed because some people simply do not have the core psychology or skills to live secure, stable lives.