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March 16, 2012
CBO To Obama: You Lie!
Of course, they tell him this quite a lot, so it's not like it's new news or anything.
President Obama’s 2013 budget would add $3.5 trillion to annual deficits through 2022, according to a new estimate from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
It also would raise the deficit next year by $365 billion, according to the nonpartisan office.
The CBO estimate is in sharp contrast to White House claims last month that the Obama budget would reduce deficits by $3.2 trillion over the next decade. (emphasis added)
So, what, did they get the sign wrong? I mean, you don't go from a $3.2 trillion good guy to a $3.5 trillion miss by just forgetting to carry the one.
Of course, this is the same gang whose $900 billion health care plan just doubled in cost to $1.76 trillion (if we're lucky).
Davis Guggenheim, who couldn't find anything wrong with teh awesomeness that is Barack Hussein Obama, should've checked in with the CBO.
(h/t Scott)