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March 14, 2012
Top Headline Comments 3-14-12
WEDNESDAY. Halfway there. Keep moving. Here's the news:
Counterintuitively, until yesterday, even if Santorum and Gingrich’s votes had been combined, it would have swung just a handful of delegates, and not a single winner-take-all state.
A new species of frog was discovered . . . on Staten Island.
WSJ has a piece on diet saboteurs: coworkers who keep trying to fatten you up. The article has a very pre-2008 feel to it; on the other hand, if you're buying the WSJ for its "lifestyle" articles, I suppose you've probably got coworkers.
The front page of the NYTimes, by contrast, has a piece on global warming-caused sea level rise (that has yet to even come close to climate scientists' estimates) leading to coastal flooding. To illustrate this fantasy, the NYTimes found it appropriate to include a photograph of streets flooded during Hurricane Irene.
Both papers, to me, seem to be living in an alternate universe.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:49 AM
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