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Washington Post in Full Panic "PROTECT OBAMA" Mode Over Gas Prices
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March 13, 2012
Steven Chu Retracts Urge To Drive American Gas Prices To European Levels
Will Obama retract his statement that "under my plan, electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket?"
One of the Administration's few successes, as they define successes, is getting gas up to so high a price as to make electric vehicles competitive.
Um, okay, so electric vehicles are still not competitive, unless you're Johnny Blaze and are willing to pay extra for an environmentally-friendly flaming car.
But still, this is a success, as far as their laying out a goal and then achieving it.
But now Chu says, unconvincingly, he didn't mean to say that, or something.
Chu seemed to equivocate, pause, and stumble over his words when responding to Lee’s question about high gas prices. Other comments Chu made at another hearing late last month put him in hot water on gas prices. Politico reported on Feb. 28 that Chu told a House committee he was not working to lower gasoline prices but to wean the United States off oil. That story has since been corrected to clarify that DOE is working to both lower gas prices and wean the country off oil. But that was only after the story was picked up by Republicans and used against the administration.
So the Secretary of Energy is really against producing usable energy. Orwell just called and asked "Did I call it or did I call it?"
Meanwhile, within walking distance to the White House, is this sign of the times.
And also meanwhile, Obama says of course the American people will "blame" him for rising gas prices, but he's magnanimous enough to understand their crude, stupid brains and the odd connections they make between policy and consequence.