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March 13, 2012
Knock Me Over With A Feather: Liberals Most Intolerant of Opposing Views Online
The survey itself only applies to online behavior, but experience tells that the findings can be extended to offline behavior as well.
Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide [someone due to an unwelcomed political opinion]. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates.
People, as a rule, don't make up their own codes of conduct. (Asterisk here for genuine individualists, but most people aren't that.)
The code which has been transmitted to liberals is not, in fact, an appreciation of free speech, but only an appreciation of speech which promotes their particular leftwing agenda, with scorn and hatred heaped on those who disagree. The perverse form of "tolerance" that is actually transmitted is "tolerance only for the similar."
Which isn't tolerance.