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March 12, 2012
Feminist Dem using False Flag to further goal of Subsidizing Sexual Promiscuity? [krakatoa]
Don't get me wrong -- I've got nothing against people enjoying their sex lives to the fullest. I am simply against forcing people to pay for the free choices, sexual or otherwise.
Sen. Nina Turner claims she was "concerned" about men's "sexual health" when she wrote a bill that men using insurance for hard-on drugs ought to be screened to ensure that they aren't just looking to up their game at the expense of others.
I see nothing wrong with a requirement that only those having a legitimate need for getting any prescription should be able to offset those costs using an insurance pool.
This Senator makes a mockery of the already painfully trite legislative process, insofar as this particular bill is both purely retaliatory to the "heartbeat" bill, and is also chock full of angry feminist silliness...
men would have to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency... [and] receive counseling about possible side effects and receive information about “pursuing celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.”
But the content of the bill isn't as important to the story as the context of the bill vis-a-vis serial slattern* Fluke's campaign to force other people to pay for her eagerness to avoid having a baby-daddy.
Coming out against the bill will give radical feminists and their co-ideologists of dependency on the left the cover of ideological consistency. Of course, that consistency boils down to the base leftist imperative that the "other" should pay for the choices of the "protected".
As an aside, it is once again reprehensible how deeply the media is entrenched with their ideological activist brethren. Witness how in describing the Senator they repeat what is for all intents and purposes the lie that not wanting to pay for a woman's choice of sexual activity is a state-sponsored limit on that activity:
A critic of efforts to restrict abortion and contraception for women.
(emphasis mine)
* The term "slattern" is used here purely for alliterative effect, and is by no means a repudiation of this fine woman's propensity for engaging in sexual congress up to 3 times a day to either one super-human (and/or charitable) man, or to random men she meets in class, bars, bowling alleys or filthy alleys. Please forward all complaints to Bill Maher.
posted by Open Blogger at
01:58 PM
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