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March 07, 2012
Matt Yglesias Is a Whiner
In related news, water is wet
Pat yourselves on the backs, morons. Yesterday's exercise of packing the reviews of his book hit pay dirt.
As some of you are probably aware, I tweeted something rather rude upon learning the news of Andrew Breitbart's death. Consequently, many of his many fans are unhappy with me. Fair enough. In consequence of that, many of them have decided to spam the Amazon page for The Rent Is Too Damn High with highly negative reviews that typically reveal that the reviewer has not even made a passing acquaintance with my views.
Y'know, Matt, unlike lefties who can't accept a sincere apology, this wouldn't have happened if you had apologized for that tweet. But no apology's forthcoming, is it? That's only expected of conservatives.
As LauraW. said in an email this morning: "We think they're wrong. They think we're evil. We're playing to not lose, occasionally playing to win, by the rules. They're playing to destroy us, utterly, however they can."
So for starters in fighting back against this, there are three people who need to be mercilessly hounded at every available opportunity for their reactions to Breitbart's death and for just being asshats in general. First and foremost is David Frum, followed by Matt Taibbi and Yglesias.
None of these punks should expect anything other than an attack lurking around every corner. So if you haven't had a chance yet, go and give Matt's book an appropriate review.
Also, congratulations to Ben, whose review got picked up at Instapundit.
I wasn’t expecting 20 pages filled with naked pictures of the author in various poses. I found the photos that included animals to be in extremely poor taste.
Well played, Ben.