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March 06, 2012
Super(ish) Tuesday Pre-Results Thread
CAC put this list of closing times together (times are eastern, I think):
GA 7:00
VT 7:00
VA 7:00
OH 7:30
MA 8:00
OK 8:00
TN 8:00
ND 10:00
ID 11:00
WY 11:00
AK 12:30
The real big question is Ohio. Even if he does well in the popular vote, Santorum is going to have trouble with delegates since he failed to file a full slate of delegates in some of his more competitive districts.
Virgina will go to Romney easily since he's only up against Ron Paul.
Georgia is going to go for Newt and the rest? We'll see.
If Santorum wins Ohio we're in for a few more weeks of Mitt limping to his still likely nomination.
Either way, my prediction is: Pain. Lots and lots of pain.

posted by DrewM. at
05:31 PM
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