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Afternoon Open Thread »
March 06, 2012
Obama Celebrates Super Tuesday With His First Press Conference In 5 Months
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess "contraception" comes up once or twice.
Question 4: Why haven't you gone to Israel yet? Do you want higher gas prices?
Attacks question saying "would any President facing reelection want higher gas prices?"
I guess he hasn't spoken to Steven Chu.
Oh God, he wants to make sure the AG "pays attention" to speculators. What's he going to find? Supply and demand impact prices?
Says he went to Israel before and isn't the 1st President not to get there in his first term.
Question 5: Rush of course.
Won't comment on sponsors leaving show or liberals who have done the same thing.
Says he called Fluke because of his daughters and he wouldn't want them called those names just for speaking out.
Question 6: Do you think Debbie Wasserman-Shultz that there is a "war on women"?
Says women will make choices based on issues, runs through his stump speech bullet points.
Follow up: Would you like Wasserman-Shultz to change her language?
Obama- He won't comment on it. He'll "lead by example" on civility.
Question 7- Latinos love you but what about amnesty?
Obama Like George W. Bush, I love amnesty!
Question 8- So, what do you think about Mitt calling you "feckless"?
"Good luck tonight, really"
Question 9- Why move G8 summit from Chicago to Camp David?
I don't know what his answer is. I've reached my limit on listening to him. You're on your own from here on out.
Earlier questions below the fold.
Opening statement is about administration efforts to help "struggling home owners" (aka- spend more tax payer money). Jobs bill, Bufett rule, his re-fi plan.
About that refinancing plan, Amanda Carpenter points out that home flippers will be eligible for this program.
Obama's talk about "innocent homeowners" screwed over by banks reminds me of Democratic support for the DREAM Act...all illegal students are honor role students.
Question 1- Iran and Syria
Obama now saying that Republicans who talk tough on Iran don't understand how bad war is, unlike me, the Commander in Chief.
He can't explain why Libya war was ok over threat of killings vs. actual killings in Syria other than to say the UN and international community aren't interested in Syria.
Question 2- What did you say to Netenyahu?
"We're hearing noises about their (Iran) going back to the negotiating table" Success then I guess.
Basically he's saying now is not the time to deal with Iran.
He's also saying that unlike some other Presidents he doesn't want to see American servicemen and women die.
Question 3: Is this Iran's last chance?
Says Iran hasn't been serious in negotiations over the last 3 years but they will be this time.

posted by DrewM. at
01:10 PM
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