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March 05, 2012
I Know An Ending When It Comes
I've decided to turn my hiatus into a permanent vacation, my groovy babies.
There is an old bar-room weeper sung by Emmylou Harris called "I Know An Ending When It Comes", and I think for me that time is now.
I've got too many demands on my time, and not enough hours in the day to service them all. It's no one's fault but mine: I took all these burdens on. But it's time to declare this particular job finished and move on to other things.
It's been no end of fun blogging (and tweeting!) on the HQ. I love the Moron Horde, and believe more than ever that Ace's site is one of the best hangouts on the web. Ace himself is the polestar of this enterprise, and his wit and humor -- and occasional ill temper -- are what give the site its characteristic tone. It's been an honor to work with the other co-bloggers in contributing content to the site over the years, first as a commenter, then as a co-blogger.
I will not disappear entirely. I will continue to make the site a daily stop, and you may see my name pop up in the comments section from time to time. However, this will be the end of 'The Daily DOOM' and the Sunday book thread (under my byline, anyhow). I hope that over the time I've been doing these things I've managed to entertain, inform, and maybe coerce a mordant chuckle or two out of you.
I am leaving not in anger, or depression, or disillusionment. I am simply leaving because I have done the job I meant to do, and said all the things I wanted to say. I've begun to repeat myself. History, like music, moves in circles, and I find myself treading the same old ground over and over again. The task is done. Time to move on to the next thing.
Ace: you are an Ewok of rare vintage indeed. Thank you so much for allowing me to contribute to your site.
To the co-bloggers: You guys have been great in more ways than I can possibly express. It's odd to feel such a close kinship to people I've never actually met face-to-face, but so it is.
To the commenters: Thanks for reading my stuff, and for keeping me honest. Thanks for catching me out when I put my foot in it. Thanks for the humor, and the insight, even the disagreements. You guys are a large part of what makes this site work -- don't forget that.
I may have missed a lot of things you said
I know most of them went right overhead
But with all my heart I know this song's been sung
And at least I know an ending when it comes.