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March 04, 2012
Food Stamp President [ArthurK]
(open thread)
Don't have to add much to this.

Here's a fun e-voting story. Wash DC offcials double-dog-dared hackers to subvert their e-voting system. Gave them a 3 week window.
The team also managed to guess the login details for the terminal server used by the voting system. This wasn't exactly difficult, since the user name and password were both "admin".
Finally, they inserted the word "owned" onto the final signoff screen of the voting page, and set up the University of Michigan football fight song to play after 15 seconds.
It took two days before the authorities discovered they'd been pwned, and they were only alerted to that fact when another tester told them the system was secure, but that they should lose the music on the sign-off screen, as it was rather annoying.

posted by Open Blogger at
12:57 PM
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