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February 29, 2012
The Skeptics' Case Against Global Warming
Rebutting all the climate alarmists' theories and computer models, a skeptic presents his own theories and computer models.
Wait, did I say he presents theories and computer models. My mistake, I thought he was practicing the "New Science." Actually he presents the "Old Science" to make his case -- namely, actual observed data.
One of the better posts on this subject I've read, and very brief. Read the whole thing, and don't be put off by the graphs -- they're pretty simple.
And read the point about the conjectured hotspot in the troposphere, something that must exist if global warming alarmism is correct.
It doesn't exist. At all.
But so what, they say, rubbishing steps four and five of the scientific process (check theory against observed evidence, refine theory to better fit observed evidence).
So What?
Nyah nyah, we still control the major journals.
thanks to @comradearthur.