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February 28, 2012
Georgetown Law Student: We Totally Need ObamaCare's Birth Control Coverage; We're Going Broke Paying $160/Year for the Pill
Average cost of the pill: $160-$600 per year.
Doesn't Planned Parenthood offer discounts on this? Isn't this the point of Planned Parenthood, apart from abortions?
So to people who have little money: I suggest you shop around and get it at the $160/year price.
But this woman, whose entree into her profession consists of lying, I guess, claims the cost for birth control is $1000 per year.
No offense, but birth control is not a "health" issue. Pregnancy is not a disease. It's a lifestyle choice, and one I support. But not with taxpayer dollars and not with forced mandates squashing people's choices.
The parade of horrors trotted out include the usual "and she needed this for medical reasons, not for sexual reasons!" Yes, and as this dummy confesses, there are exceptions for medical need.
The list of things people believe themselves entitled to continues to grow.
Nine Dollars Per Month at Wallmart. Yup, for that we need to crush people's consciences.
The Only Way... She could possibly get to this figure is including the cost of a separate gynecological exam as part of the cost for prescription.
That is, she is claiming she'd need a full gynecological exam to secure the prescription in the first place.
I don't know what PP charges for that kind of a quickie visit and routine prescription but I don't think it's very much.
That also presupposes that the gynecologists her insurance does pay for refuse to write birth control scripts, something else I doubt.