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February 25, 2012
Unicorn Farts Are an Impractical Substitute for Oil
Algae. Wind. Dreams from My Father the Nut.
In his [Obama's] defense, a reasonably scientific study did claim just that: National Microalgae Biofuel Production Potential and Resource Demand, by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
However, there are a few leetle problems with it, which PNNL themselves pointed out:
•It would take acreage equivalent to the area of South Carolina to generate that much oil
•It takes 350 gallons of water for every one gallon of oil you produce
•Meeting that water requirement would take 25% of our irrigation capacity
•It takes even more water than that unless you use lakefront and oceanfront real estate
Without subsidies (i.e. your money) to prop them up, they're a giant truckload of FAIL. Even now wind farms in California and Europe are idle and rusting because the cost to maintain them is higher than the value of the energy they produce.
But you'll keep paying for rail cars full of ethanol taken to California, pulled by diesel engines. Because your government is retarded.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:23 AM
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