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February 07, 2012
Congresswoman Shows Remarkable Sudden Progress in Cognitive Function, Speaking Abilities
Old headline:
Former Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper: I Would Never Have Cast Crucial Vote In Favor of ObamaCare Had I Known Obama Planned a Top-Down, Command-and-Control Scheme To Force All Plans To Follow Birth-Control-For-All Federal Mandates
I don't know how to play this story.
Do I play it as "Democrat betrayed by Obama"?
Or do I play it as "Democrat really, really wants her old seat back and is willing to claim anything to get it"?
A little of both, I guess.
"I would have never voted for the final version of the bill if I expected the Obama Administration to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic Colleges and Universities to pay for contraception,” Dahlkemper said in a press release sent out by Democrats for Life in November. "We worked hard to prevent abortion funding in health care and to include clear conscience protections for those with moral objections to abortion and contraceptive devices that cause abortion. I trust that the President will honor the commitment he made to those of us who supported final passage."
I see no story on the internet stating that Dahlkemper is running again.
But I have a feeling.
Picture swiped from Drudge.
Your Mouth
Sorry about that. I guess it just got away from me at the end, there.
thanks to @slublog