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February 07, 2012
Everyone Has A Conscientious Objection To Obamacare
OK, so this has been brewing for a while now.
Two questions.
1) Does the Catholic church think it should have the sole legal protection from this regulation over this matter of conscience?
Because it seems to me that there may actually be a lot of other employers not officially connected to the Catholic church who feel the same way about being forced to supply abortifacients to their employees.
As well as being forced to provide something that they may not be able to afford, to people who may not even want or need it. The violations of freedom intrinsic to this bad law are many and complex. They apply to everyone, not just Catholics or even religious folk in general. And certainly the financial freedom of religious people is just as imperiled as everyone else's, even if they aren't concentrating on that right now.
We're getting outraged over one victim of one regulation inside a byzantine mess that needs to be thrown away in its entirety.
2) Did Catholic organizations support Obamacare because they either assumed or were told that they would get an exception based on their religious beliefs?
Because if that is true, then essentially they agreed to support an infringement on others' freedoms just so long as their own would be preserved. How did they think that would eventually work out?
Now, don't get me wrong; of course I am delighted that Catholics are angry with the Obama administration.
However, I'm not exactly freaking out that they didn't get what they bargained for, after they* gleefully endorsed curtailing your and my freedoms.
*The 'They' are the large Catholic organizations as well as the church hierarchy who originally overwhelmingly supported HCR. Not you, members of the laity who read this site.

posted by Laura. at
05:10 PM
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