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February 03, 2012
Komen Foundation: We've Heard The Screams Of Liberals So We're Sticking With Planned Parenthood After All
UPDATE: Refunds From Komen?
Change of heart or wallet. Either or.
We want to apologize to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women's lives.
The events of this week have been deeply unsettling for our supporters, partners and friends and all of us at Susan G. Komen. We have been distressed at the presumption that the changes made to our funding criteria were done for political reasons or to specifically penalize Planned Parenthood. They were not.
Our original desire was to fulfill our fiduciary duty to our donors by not funding grant applications made by organizations under investigation. We will amend the criteria to make clear that disqualifying investigations must be criminal and conclusive in nature and not political. That is what is right and fair.
Our only goal for our granting process is to support women and families in the fight against breast cancer. Amending our criteria will ensure that politics has no place in our grant process. We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities.
It is our hope and we believe it is time for everyone involved to pause, slow down and reflect on how grants can most effectively and directly be administered without controversies that hurt the cause of women. We urge everyone who has participated in this conversation across the country over the last few days to help us move past this issue. We do not want our mission marred or affected by politics - anyone's politics.
Starting this afternoon, we will have calls with our network and key supporters to refocus our attention on our mission and get back to doing our work. We ask for the public's understanding and patience as we gather our Komen affiliates from around the country to determine how to move forward in the best interests of the women and people we serve.
We extend our deepest thanks for the outpouring of support we have received from so many in the past few days and we sincerely hope that these changes will be welcomed by those who have expressed their concern.
It's important to note the Komen Foundation never backed off from Planned Parenthood over abortion, it was simply because of the congressional investigations.
It's hard to imagine that they would have taken their initial decision without considering the blowback it would create. Now, everyone is annoyed at them.
I wonder if the Komen Foundation will be offering refunds to conservatives who rallied to their side or who had never donated to them before because of their support of Planned Parenthood.
Always remember though, on the right is fighting a culture war, never, ever the left. Liberalism is just "normal".
The left has once again shown that abortion is their highest value. It may not be questioned...ever.
UPDATE: If you donated in the wake of the original Planned Parenthood decision, you might be able to get your money back.
@MZHemingway: Just got off phone with @komenforthecure. My donation will be refunded within a week.

posted by DrewM. at
11:37 AM
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