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Dear Republican Party, I Drank the Koolaid in 2008 »
February 02, 2012
The Daily DOOM

NOTE: As I said yesterday, The Daily Doom will now be a digest of stuff posted to Twitter the previous day. Follow @AoSHQDOOM for an all-day serving of DOOM. Today's digest is mainly a link-dump, for which I apologize, but I'm too beat for additional commentary.
Richard Epstein and John Yoo join Peter Robinson on a superb "Uncommon Knowledge". Believe me when I say that this is the best short critique of ObamaCare that I've seen yet. But it's more than that: it's an expose on the legacy of the New Deal and how it damaged the rule of law in this country. It's an absolute joy to watch these men argue, laugh, and just totally rip the legal and intellectual underpinnings out from beneath the modern welfare state. This is the closest we will ever get to Milton Friedman now that he has passed on, so don't miss the opportunity.
His Majesty proclaims a recovery throughout the land. Huzzah!
Thomas Sowell: California getting nowhere very fast.
California will run out of cash by March unless...well, there's really nothing to be done in practical terms. Boned!
This sounds more like a prayer than a threat to me.
More signs of a Chinese slowdown - holiday manufacturing didn't exactly outperform.
Well...as long as the government workers are happy, that's all that matters, right? We're just the humble packmules.
Sacrificing economic growth for political gain has been Obama's central strategy from the first. He's not changing now.
The class divide in white america.
Waiting for Hamilton: The 'Imbecility' of the EU.
And yea, the Unicorns shall bear to us the $5-10 billion we'll need upon their magical backs.
Darth Buffett.
Poor Ezra. He's really not that bright, is he? But he's done quite well in spite of his...limitations.
Gold is a "political metal"...but this has always been the case, really.
The "recovery" is like a UFO -- I hear many rumors that it exists, but no confirmed sightings.
Can someone remind me again why David Brooks is considered a conservative?
If they outlaw spending welfare money at strip clubs, how will Kitzi and Kandi make the rent? Stingy bastards!
Damn, Barry, I know times is hard, but....
Reminder: in a free society, human capital dwarfs physical capital. But it's hard to value human capital correctly.
Via Insty: Post-sovereign Europe.
People always love reform until it hits their own wallets. Then: TEH OUTRAGEZ!
Muni bankruptcy looms over Providence, RI.
Youth unemployment across Europe. (Check out Spain - yikes.)
Remember when the Age of Obama was going to be a time of post-racial respect and healing? Not so much, as it turns out.
(Thanks to Jane D'Oh for the pic.)