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Overnight Open Thread - Boredom Edition »
November 29, 2011
Bill Ayers Talks About The Fundraiser He Hosted For Obama (The One Obama's Campaign Claimed Was a "Debunked" "Myth")
Here. "An ambitious young man," Ayers thought.
Ambitious, but not industrious.
In other Blasts From the Past -- although it was widely known already that Obama took the title of his one book (he only actually wrote one) Audacity of Hope from his pastor and "spiritual adviser" Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright, video of Obama stating this has just surfaced.
Bonus: Eric Holder tells the Daily Caller to stop reporting on calls for his resignation, claiming that the desire to remove him from office is not "organic," but rather contrived by "you guys," meaning the Daily Caller, or Republicans, or the conservative-leaning media.
Or something.