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Overnight Open Thread »
November 17, 2011
Who Are These Republicans? UPDATED
Joe Walsh (Ind Ill.), John Mica (Fla.), Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.), Dan Burton (Ind.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Mike Pompeo (Kansas), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Connie Mack (Fla.), Jeff Duncan (S.C.), Todd Akin (Mo.), Tim Huelskamp (Kansas), Jeff Landry (La.), Tim Murphy (Penn.), Steven Palazzo (Miss.), Dennis Ross (Fla.), John Carter (Texas), Ted Poe (Texas), Vicky Hartzler (Mo.), Kenny Marchant (Texas), Lynn Jenkins (Kansas), Quico Canseco (Texas), Charles Boustany (La.), Alan Nunnelee (Miss.), Diane Black (Tenn.), Ann Marie Buerkle (N.Y.), Allen West (Fla.), Blake Farenthold (Texas), John Culberson (Texas), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), Steven Pearce (N.M.), Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Louis Gohmert (Texas), Denny Rehberg (Mont.), Bob Latta (Ohio), Rodney Alexander (La.), Gus Bilirakis (Fla.), Blaine Luetkemeyer (Mo.) and Tom Graves (Ga.).
They're the 40 Republicans who called on Obama to demand Eric Holder's resignation over "Fast and Furious" today.
“In intentionally letting over 2,000 firearms ‘walk’ across the border into Mexico,” it continues, “the [ATF] — under the leadership of Attorney General Holder — carried out an operation that left a U.S. Border Patrol agent dead, broke federal law and attempted to build a case for gun control. Operation Fast and Furious has proved to be one of the most serious errors in judgment carried out in recent history by a federal agency.”
From a "realistic" POV, there's no chance Obama even gives this a glance. Too early in the process, and there's an ongoing "Nixon-like" fight underway (SWIDT?) over documents subpoenaed by Issa's committee.
From a "politics" POV, it's perfect. Keep the pressure on Holder and the DoJ, keep F&F in the spotlight, hammer them relentlessly on this. Don't. Let. Up.
UPDATE: Mexican Attorney General Marisela Morales (oh my) seeks extradition of six suspects "accused of participating in a plot to arm Mexican drug cartels with guns from the United States." via adamsbaldwin
UPDATE2: 46 now. [via WilliamAmos]. Not sure who the missing 4 are.
I shall call them, "The Forty, Forty-Six ok The Gang of At Least Forty-Six And Counting"

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:33 PM
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