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November 16, 2011
Huh? Rick Perry Challenges Nancy Pelosi To A Debate
He's rolling the dice here. I like that.
But, we'll see.
"I am in Washington Monday and would love to engage you in a public debate about my Overhaul Washington plan versus the congressional status quo.
I think it would be a tremendous service to the American public to see a public airing of those differences. Let the people decide.
If Monday doesn't work, perhaps we could find a time in Iowa over the course of the next month to discuss these issues in front of the people of America's heartland."
I have a theory that Perry's a little flat-footed because he's unprepared to be attacked from the right, and by multiple opponents. If that theory is true, Perry would be fine in his natural mode of hippie-bashing.
I doubt Pelosi would take him up on this. She can only lose, after all, and probably doesn't seem any value in beating Perry, even if she could. He's down in polls, after all.
Still... if she did...
Via @soopermexican.