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November 12, 2011
Obama Adminstration: Vaccine for Ethical Blindness Gets $433 Million No-Bid Contract
Vaccine for ethical blindness? I'm sorry. I meant experimental remedy for non-existent threat. Smallpox. But it's okay; it's a big Obama donor. From the LA Times:
Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor.
When Siga complained that contracting specialists at the Department of Health and Human Services were resisting the company's financial demands, senior officials replaced the government's lead negotiator for the deal, interviews and documents show.
When Siga was in danger of losing its grip on the contract a year ago, the officials blocked other firms from competing.
Too bad. An ethical blindness vaccine might help Democrats, the media, and OWS protestors see the crony-capitalism on display here.
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posted by rdbrewer at
02:52 PM
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