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November 11, 2011
Veterans Day 2011
Its origin is Armistice Day, the end of hostilities between the armies on the Western Front in 1918, World War I. The guns fell silent on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month". After World War II it was changed to Veterans Day, to continue a tradition of honoring those who served after the first world war.
Veterans Day is a day for us to celebrate and recognize the honorable service of those who wore the uniform and did their duty, whether in peacetime or in harm's way.
Here's a vet I'm kinda proud of. Basic training at San Diego, 1949. Goofing around (goof on the left). SO3, Purple Heart (Korea). So now you know where I got a lot of my goof. And my taxicab door ears.
If I clown around some, I come by it honestly. Dad turned 80 in June. He'll be here for Thanksgiving.
Thank you veterans.
posted by Dave In Texas at
10:55 AM
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