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November 09, 2011
Liveblogging the CNBC GOP Debate
Tonight at 8pm Eastern on CNBC. That's channel 102/602 on Verizon FiOS ... the rest of you can consult your local programming guide to find out where to watch via the evil corporate entity that provides you hundreds of entertainment options at the click of a button or just click here for CNBC's coverage (livestream also here and a second one here and another here).
With almost one year to the day before the general election, this debate will be devoted to exploring the candidates’ positions on the critical issues facing voters—jobs, taxes, the deficit and the health of our national economy. [Moderators Maria] Bartiromo and [John] Harwood will be joined by CNBC’s Jim Cramer, host of “Mad Money w/Jim Cramer,” and a panel of CNBC experts including CNBC’s Senior Economics Reporter Steve Liesman, CNBC’s On-Air Editor Rick Santelli and CNBC’s Senior Commodities & Personal Finance Correspondent Sharon Epperson, who will also question the candidates about the major policy issues.
A few program notes:
- John Harwood is the hacktastic New York Times reporter who tried to resurrect the birther issue with Perry.
- Steve Liesman is the dumbest person on any network not called MSNBC.
- Squawk Box's Joe Kernen would've provided much needed balance to the libs on the panel. Unnamed sources at CNBC claim he had to wash his hair tonight so he couldn't participate. Sounds fishy to me.
- Rick Santelli's "Rant Heard 'Round the World" (video) was a major impetus behind the tea party movement. Expect recurring technical difficulties with his microphone.
This should be fun. And by fun, I mean why the hell do we keep letting libs run our debates?
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They're not posted comments a la chat room. Instead they go to queue, which the producers (cobloggers) read, and we post them, by hand, if we think they make a good point.
Liveblog thingy below the fold.