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November 09, 2011
FORNICATE You, Penn State*
Am I overreacting? I don't think so.
Want to regurgitate your breakfast? Here's some reading material that will make you want to puke. Fast forward to the "Victim #2" section of the report for bonus outrage.
So how do these sub-geniuses from State College react to news that their beloved head coach turned a blind eye to a kiddie-raper in the midst of his program? They have a nighttime demonstration.......in support of the coach.
As the lolcats might say........UR DOIN IT RONG.
(The 19-year old boy who was raped in the shower as a 10-year old back in 2002 was unavailable for comment.)
UPDATE(and a caveat): From DiT, here's this gem, from Michele Catalano.
Also, now that I've cooled down for a second, I should probably say that while I want to take pliers & a blowtorch to Coach Sandusky for what he did, I'd like to see everyone who knew about this and failed to report it to the authorities flogged in public, and I'd like to see the State College PD wade into the idiot demonstrators from last night with batons whistling and pepper spray unholstered.....I realize that the Greater Penn State Community did nothing wrong in this case. Unless more evidence comes out that the tens of thousands of Penn State students, alumni and fans in Western Pennsylvania actually knew about this story before it broke and did nothing, it's hard to tar them all with the same broad brush.
With that said, I will NOT apologize for the hastily-written title to this post. If my "Fuck You" to the Penn State community is more offensive than coaches and administrators enabling a child predator to continue his sick pastime in and around the Penn State campus, then maybe you need to step back and look at your priorities. (UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: because I don't want my justified use of profanity to detract from my justified outrage here, I have replace all but one of my f-bombs in the original draft of the post with the names of Muppet Characters. See if you can spot them all!)
BONUS UPDATE (with bonus "KERMITS" and invocation of tBCoS): From Slublog, there's this link of breaking news. So Joe Paterno is going to retire at the end of the season?
Whiskey? Tango? Foxtrot? Does Joe think he is going to be carried off the MISS PIGGY field to the BEAKER cheers of the DR. BUNSEN HONEYDEW crowd after leading Penn STADLER State to another GONZO bowl game? FOZZIE BEAR that noise. He should have the common DR. TEETH & THE ELECTRIC MAYHEM decency to slink out the back door of the coaching offices in shame like John SAM THE EAGLE Edwards leaving a session of a Federal RIZZO THE RAT Grand Jury.
That moderation expressed in my first update? KERMIT that. If Joe JANIS THE BASS PLAYER Paterno is allowed to coach another ANIMAL football game at Penn RALPH THE DOG State University, every WALDORF fan in the stadium who so much as smiles when their BERT team scores their first ERNIE touchdown can go Suck The Barbed Cock of Satan as far as I'm concerned.
BIG BIRD! Now I'm pissed.
And when you come back with the "look at all he's done for the community" card, tell me this. How many other kids have been raped since 2002 because JoePa and the other jackasses at Penn State didn't think it was necessary to get the police involved in this situation? Ten? Five? Even one? Is that a fair trade for all that Joe Paterno has done for his community?

posted by Russ from Winterset at
12:37 PM
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