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October 18, 2011
Liveblogging the 372nd 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates Debate
Please, for all that is good and holy, make it stop!!!
Back to CNN this time, but with Anderson Cooper moderating instead of Wolf Blitzer. I'll take "Who is Gloria Vanderbilt" for $200 please, Alex.
Starts at 8:00pm Eastern. Livestream here
The usual suspects minus Huntsman are participating. He just got done with a New Hampshire town hall. Allegedly.
Drinking game:
- Do a shot every time someone other than Herman Cain says "9-9-9".
- Every time someone says "Occupy Wall Street" shout "Get a job you smelly hippies!" and drink 99% of whatever you have in your cup.
Standard reminder: Your comments do not automatically display. So don't ask "Why aren't my comments displaying?" They don't display.
They're not posted comments a la chat room. Instead they go to queue, which the producers (cobloggers) read, and we post them, by hand, if we think they make a good point.
Liveblog thingy below the fold.