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October 13, 2011
How Can You Not Love This?
Dear OWS Folks: From One Of Their Own
Conan is asked, "What is good in life?"
You've people got it backwards. Capitalism calls for insolvent banks to fail. Socialism calls for them to be bailed out.
submitted 11 hours ago by r3compile
Edit: Some more complete thoughts:
The free market gets rid of risky, unstable businesses. Capitalism means if you don't have a viable product, you go away. People vote with their own money.
In Socialism, you vote with other people's money. You keep throwing good money after bad because you like the idea of a stable bank and you don't want to admit that it needs to go bankrupt.
All a businessman can do is try to sell you something that you think is worth the money.
But a government can take your wealth by force, and allocate it to an area that has no viable market, purely for the benefit of catering to voters and trying to get re-elected.
As long as we have a big government trying to run every aspect of the economy, it will be taken advantage of by some minority to the detriment of the majority.
I sympathize with the message of OWS thanks banks get special favors from government. But the answer isn't to give more special favors to labor unions and employees. The answer is to get the government out of the way and let the market flush out all these bad banks so a viable economy can rise.
Bring on the downvotes.
And brought they were. This gem was buried furiously by the lefty brethen of a certain site we will not name, but its initials are REDDIT.
What follows is a long and furious discussion of Socialism vs. Capitalism, and some of it is pretty damn interesting, and some of it is pretty damn funny, if you're into watching lefties argue amongst themselves.
One thing strikes me: a lot of these lefties? Not actually so very far to the left as they think they are. Nope. Not so much.
Frankly, many of them seem to be conflicted.
What capitalism has going for it that no amount of Marxist Econ 101 professors can ever undo, is that it comes so naturally to us.

posted by Laura. at
09:40 PM
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