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How Can You Not Love This? »
October 13, 2011
Analysis: If US Has Proof of Iran Plot, UN Can Be Won Over
Counter-analysis: No they can't.
Even-more-counter analysis: So why waste our time, and potentially expose anti-terror intel techniques, weakening our defensive posture?
Bonus-counter-analysis: Just to get the UN to go along with more ineffective sanctions, which they won't by the way.
Bargain-counter-analysis: Which of course is why, this pathetic administration will go groveling to the UN and present all their evidence.
For nothing.
"They haven't settled on a game plan yet," a council ambassador told Reuters. "They're considering all options. More sanctions, a resolution, a condemnation, it's all possible."
Look I'm not pressing for B-2s over Tehran. But begging the UN for cooperation on this isn't worth it. As my dad used to say "Son, that juice just ain't worth the squeeze."
Then he swiped my yard work cash.
I never really got the connection between those two things.
BONUS (via DrewM): What to serve the visiting President of South Korea? How about Japanese steaks?
Smart diplomacy begins at the dinner table.
BONUS BONUS [via Jennifer]: Rep. Linda Sanchez as coached by Ed Schultz: Republican senators aren't patriots, they don't want to see us raise new taxes in order to pretend we're creating jobs.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:58 PM
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