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Overnight Open Thread - Wednesday Edition [Ben] »
October 05, 2011
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011
As most of you know, Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, has passed away. Wired has a very nice remembrance:
A visionary inventor and entrepreneur, it would be impossible to overstate Steve Jobs’ impact on technology and how we use it. Apple’s mercurial, mysterious leader did more than reshape his entire industry: he completely changed how we interact with technology. He made gadgets easy to use, gorgeous to behold and essential to own. He made things we absolutely wanted, long before we even knew we wanted them. Jobs’ utter dedication to how people think, touch, feel and interact with machines dictated even the smallest detail of the computers Apple built and the software it wrote.
I think it's easy to forget how truly revolutionary the first iPod was. It was small, portable and easy to use. I was old enough when I first got one to be amazed by it - here was a device the size of the cassette tapes I used to put in my Walkman that can hold ALL of my music. I didn't know I wanted this thing until it was offered to me.
Still, as much as I love my iPod, I think I'm most thankful he co-founded Pixar, the studio that has made some of my favorite films. Godspeed, Mr. Jobs. Thanks.

posted by Slublog at
08:39 PM
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