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July 29, 2011
Senate Tables Boehner Bill, Reid Refuses To Allow A Vote On His Bill
Without any debate, the World's Greatest Deliberative Body (heh) tabled the Boehner bill without any debate. The vote was 59-41. Several GOP Senators voted with Reid because they, well, they are PURE or afraid of a tea party primary challenge.
Reid then filed cloture (which requires a 2 day waiting period before the vote can happen) on his bill. Mitch McConnell then offered to waive the waiting period but Reid said...no. You see we are in such an emergency situation, where every minute counts, that Reid doesn't want to vote tonight. Reid also whined that it wasn't fair that the House got to have a majority vote while the Senate requires 60 votes. Of course this isn't news to Harry.
As Guy Benson points out, Harry wasn't such a fan of majority votes just a few minutes earlier when he refused to allow the Senate to hold up an up or down, majority wins vote on the House's bill.
Reid and the Democrats then immediately scheduled a press conference to charge the Republicans with filibustering the Reid bill and endanger the economy.
I seem to recall the Twitter Spammer in Chief saying the time for politics was over. I guess that doesn't apply to everyone.
Added: The House is going to introduce and hold a vote on the Reid bill tomorrow. It hasn't been voted on in the Senate but they have the text so the GOP is just going to introduce it themselves and kill it to show it's DOA.
That bill is going to be superseded by a major amendment Reid offered tonight. Not sure if the amended bill has a CBO score or not.
Reid/Durbin/Schumer are holding their presser and whining about the filibuster. Perhaps they should have reformed the filibuster in January like their base wanted them to. Oh well, sucks to be you.
Now they are saying McConnell won't negotiate with them and won't let any GOP Senators do it. One can only hope that's true.
HMMMM: I thought a lot of this was kabuki theater but Reid says they are "drawing a line in the sand" that there will be no trigger (aka 2nd vote) for more cuts without more taxes.
Reid just said Republicans should "move toward them" or vote for his bill. Heads they win, tales Republicans lose. How can anyone say no to that offer?

posted by DrewM. at
09:05 PM
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