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July 29, 2011
Mark Levin: The Hell With 2012, The Fight Is Now
I usually don't like these "coward!" screeds but this one is good.
The Democrats have to compromise. This idea is almost never mentioned in the media. The formulation is A credit downgrade would be disastrous, so the Republicans must cave.
Um, why? Granted that we'd sure like to avoid a downgrade, but why must the compromise come on the spending-cut side? By the polls, cutting spending is more popular than simply raising the debt ceiling (which is decidedly unpopular). In terms of electoral mandate, the Republicans ran expressly on cutting spending, and Obama and the Democrats did not expressly run on increasing spending 30% or raising taxes.
In addition, our mandate is much fresher. The "mandate" the Democrats may have had in 2008 seems all but repudiated.
So why is the onus on the Republicans?
BBA Trigger? Assuming the 2nd tranche of debt limit is preconditioned on the BBA passing Congress (I imagine), Flake would vote yes, he says.
I'm not clear on whether he demands a vote on it or demands passage. I'd sure rather have passage be the trigger.