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July 21, 2011
Cop Goes Berserk Over Concealed Carry Licensee
I'm having trouble understanding this -- I think the guy did try to inform the officer he was armed, but the officer kept barking at him to shut up. When he finally did make his voice heard about the gun, the cop goes bananas with threats, demanding to know why the guy didn't tell him about the gun.
He seems to have been pulled over for picking up a prostitute on the street.
Here's my question: Is it, or is it not, standard police procedure to ask "Are you armed?" as one of the first questions (if not the first) at a stop? I believe it is.
So why didn't this idiot cop ask that? It's true that the law requires the license holder to announce he has a gun. He seems to have tried, but Officer Steroids ignored that.
But even if the cop didn't hear the guy attempting to tell him, why did the cop not ask the SOP question?
The cop goes berserk over the presence of a weapon on his subject after he learns of it, but apparently didn't care enough about that possibility to ask about it before that.
Captain Ed discusses the various laws one can have about announcing that one is armed. How about the simplest solution: The cop should ask, as they usually do.
Meanwhile, a conniption alert for the NYT, as they get pictures of a Knob Creek, KY., shooting event.