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July 22, 2011
Overnight Open Thread: Friday Edition [Truman North]
If you're at home and still sober enough to read this, then you've officially lost teh Interhole. If you just rolled in after a night of making the rub-a-dub and you're looking for some good news, bacon sandwiches officially cure hangovers.
"Bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Your body needs these amino acids, so eating them will make you feel good."
Brain food for the AoSHQ Lifestyle

For the military moron on the go
Lest you think I've forgotten about morning people (and it is morning somewhere on the Interhole, much to my chagrin), here's a solar-powered bikini lets you charge gadgets with your boobs:

Now, we just need one or seventeen moronettes to put it through its paces. I wonder if you could run a Hello Kitty personal massager off of this sucker?
If you're looking to snag one of those (the model, not the bikini, you retards), you may be interested in this ground-breaking, government-funded study: Women dig dudes driving hot cars. Or this one: Researchers identify wild orgy gene. Or more generally, any of the studies detailed here (except maybe the one about tops vs. bottoms, which made me shrivel a little bit).
But what if you're TOTALLY SATISFIED substituting technology for real, live human contact? What if you went out and bought an iPad, and you love it, except when you want to sit down and play some games, and you realize the damn thing is useless outside of Angry Birds and Pocket Frogs? What if you want Galaga, damnit?
iCade has the answer: The iCade Arcade Cabinet.

$99.99. Comes with Missile Command; 100 classic Atari games available from the App Store for $1.00 each or $14.99 for all 100.
'Course, they're 1980s cabinet arcade games. So unless you always wanted to step into Mr. Peabody's Way-Back Machine, the walk down memory lane may be more trouble than it's worth.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Deadpool...

...and great Jewish-American pro wrestling champions

posted by Open Blogger at
10:00 PM
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