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July 15, 2011
Project Valour-IT Follow Up...Look What You Morons Did
From fellow moron and the first recipient of a Project Valour-IT laptop, Chuck Ziegenfuss (He might not like this but as the guys at Blackfive say, he's someone you should know).
You are an Army of Davids Morons.
Friends, Let me be clear…
Okay, I shouldn’t have started that way so early in the morning.
Let me try again.
Thank you. At about 9:AM yesterday, the VALOur-IT fund drive had collected over $39,000 in donations—after thirteen days of blegging. After Drew posted about our efforts, the MoronMenagerie™ took a break from opening hobos, kvetching about the excesses and inadequacies of our Government, preparing for our eventual DOOM! and opened their hearts and wallets instead.
Thanks to your efforts and generosity, our drive took off—like John Edwards after an ambulance. I watched, stunned, as our totals started climbing. My email was exploding with notifications of donations like… like something that explodes. And by explodes, I mean blows up. And by blows up, I mean inflates. And by inflates, I mean taking a point and beating it to death.
Okay, the Valu-rite is wearing off now. The hockey-stick graph (below) showing your altruism would’ve made Al Gore add a new wing to his house, and heat it by burning unicorns.
You Morons made this happen—138 service members will get their adaptive laptops now, not “when funds become available.” We didn’t make our $100,000 goal (but the links are still open…) however we should have enough funds to carry us through to our normal November fundraiser. (Think about that—we’ve had so many wounded in the last seven months that we went through an entire year’s budget.) Because of You Morons, they will get that same sense of being able to do one thing that they used to do, to help them feel a little bit normal. I can’t stress enough how much of an impact that has had on me and on others—imagine you couldn’t get your morning dose of DOOM! or find out how Chemjeff has been scoring at the Applebee’s in the ONT—because you lacked the ability to use a mouse or keyboard. AoSHQ withdrawal isn’t pretty; It’d make an Ewok lose its fur.
Again, from the bottom of my heart, and for all those who you have and will help, Thank you.
Chuck Ziegenfuss
Let me just add my thanks to Maetenloch who jumped right in when I asked him to include it in the ONT on Wednesday night and Gabe who pushed it on his highly read Twitter feed. A lot of credit of course goes to Ace, who built this crazy place and then decided to let a bunch of people post pretty much whatever they want here. I've joked before that if Ace ever figures how to revoke my password, I hope he'd at least let me write the occasional piece pointing to the amazing things our military does around the world.
And you guys...the comment section here is always opinionated, occasionally obnoxious but when push comes to shove, always caring. We've seen it time and time again. It's a strange world when there's a direct link between smart political analysis, Ewok masturbation jokes and helping wounded warriors but there you have it.
Of course the biggest thanks goes to the men and women who voluntarily serve their country and their families who support them.
Finally, if a picture is worth a thousand words, than a chart of donations is worth life changing equipment for 138 wounded American heroes.
That's what you morons did. Be proud of it.
*Just a note, the graph says the 13th and we did our post on the 14th. I emailed Chuck and he said it's just a labeling issue and that reflects the "Moron Effect"(tm).

posted by DrewM. at
01:14 PM
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