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July 12, 2011
Bachmann: Oh Sure I'd Vote For A Debt Limit Increase... In Exchange for Deep Spending Cuts and the Repeal of ObamaCare
Good answer.
I was just talking about this on the phone. We need a few Good Cops in this, but we definitely needs some Bad Cops too.
We need a Good Cop to assure the public Republicans don't want to flirt with a default. Which would suddenly increase our debt by trillions, as interest payments on debt would skyrocket.
On the other hand, you can't just sit there like a scaredy-cat and fret about that possibility. Not if you want to actually negotiate something beneficial. You need some Bad Cops to talk up the idea that we're not afraid to not increase the debt limit.
My problem with Boehner isn't that he's playing the Good Cop. I'd advise him to play the Good Cop.
My problem is I don't think he's playing the role. I think he is too eager to compromise, which means, in the 11th hour, he'll get rolled.
This is brinksmanship. You have to be willing to go to the brink if you want to win. Even if you're not looking for a full win, but just a 60% win, you have to be willing to take it to the brink.
I think Bachmann and the rest of the Bad Cops are playing a very important role here (even if they're not setting out to "play a role" but are just saying what they believe).
After two and a half years of abject objective failure, with all of his "wins" coming in terms of simple political bulldozing, Obama's looking for yet another "win" which will actually punish the country further. But he wants this "win" to appease his firebreathing base.
We can't let him have it. And it's not just about politics; it's about the future of the country.
So hear, hear for the Bad Cops.
By the way, anyone notice the media is supposedly pushing for a purely objective goal -- "compromise" -- and yet they seem to have it in mind that only one side at the bargaining table should actually compromise?
Obama refreshes his offer of his own hazy, spendy plan from February and the media doesn't seem to notice he's offered exactly nothing for the sake of compromise.
But oh! do they notice that Michele Bachmann is taking a hard stance.