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July 09, 2011
Happy Birthday to the Republic of South Sudan, World's Newest Nation

The United States, Israel, Norway, Egypt, and the Vatican were lightning-fast in recognizing South Sudan, created after years of fighting with its (former) genocidal northern leaders.
Something most shocking about this story, however, was the New York Times' coverage, in which WorseThanHitlerSatanPigDevilMonster himself is (at least partially) credited for this:
Christian groups had been championing the southern Sudanese since the 19th century. And their efforts paid off in 2000 when George W. Bush was elected president of the United States. He elevated Sudan to the top of his foreign policy agenda, and in 2005, the American government pushed the southern rebels and the central government both war weary and locked in a military stalemate to sign a comprehensive peace agreement that guaranteed the southerners the right to secede.
On Saturday, one man held up a sign that said "Thank You George Bush."
The American-backed treaty set the stage for a referendum this January in which southerners voted by 98.8 percent for independence.
At 1:20 p.m. on Saturday, the southerners officially proclaimed their freedom.
Oh, little rule for ruthless people everywhere- if you are going to attack a portion of your own nation, try to avoid the part with 85% of your oil.
Full NYT article here.