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June 29, 2011
Legacy Media Sings Huntsman's Praises; His Favorability Plummets Among GOP Voters
Last week, the MBM went crazy with stories about how Jon Huntsman would be an ideal candidate to run against Obama. Could it be that the full-court press on Huntsman's behalf actually backfired among Republican voters? Looks like it:
Although former Utah Gov. and former Ambassador to China Huntsman received considerable news coverage last week with the formal announcement of his candidacy, his image among Republicans is getting worse, not better. . . . More significantly, Huntsman's Positive Intensity Score is down to 2 from 5 a week ago. Earlier this year it had been as high as 15.
It's almost as if Republicans aren't buying the shit the media is shoveling.
Gallup notes that, excepting Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, the other declared candidates (Gingrich, Pawlenty, Paul, Johnson) have also seen drops in support since they got in the race. Their drops took much longer to accomplish, though, and did not include a week's worth of puff-pieces from the legacy media.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:23 AM
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