« Fugitive Boston Mob Kingpin And Brother of... Um, Longstanding Masschusetts President of the State Senate Whitey Bulger Arrested In... Santa Monica? |
Let's fix this Public Sector Union pension problem!
We just need to kick in 1,400 bucks per household!
A Year.
For 30 Years.
[Arthur K] »
June 23, 2011
Owner of "Betty" Account, Whoever It Is, Releases Purported Emails With Gennette & Other Players
Patterico's document dump, Part 1. He comments that he has a lot of material to sort through and organize, and more is coming.
It's not really super-awesome except for the suggestive first tweet: That Gennette isn't "supposed to" communicate via online messaging anymore.
Could be a family member's advisement.
Could not be.