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June 18, 2011
Obama Administration Announces End to Health Care Waiver Program
Can't understand that at all. It was going so well.
By cutting off applications, the administration will avoid the bursts of attention each time it granted a new batch. Opponents of the law contended that the administration had shown favoritism in granting the waivers, prompting federal health officials to disclose the names of recipients and the application process for granting them.
A thousand Dem cronies are gonna be scrambling now, to apply for the special love.
That seems a bit inconsistent with the stated goal of helping companies who would be adversely affected by complying with the amazing and wonderful new Obamacare 4Ever Plan. It's generally a bad idea to change the rules in the middle of the game, creating uncertainty and panic. But it is a good idea if you're lookin to duck all this unwanted attention and scrutiny.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:06 AM
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