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June 14, 2011
We're Not Boned.
We're B O N E D [ArthurK]
Says here that our future deficit numbers are worse than you've heard. I'm not talking about the 10s of Trillions of far future unfunded MediSocialSecurity. I'm talking about the next 10 years.
1. Interest-rate payments and underestimated: They will cost $5.4 trillion more than the current estimate over ten years.
2. Future economic growth rates are overestimated: The president’s budget predicts a growth rate of over 4 percent, which is unlikely...
3. The cost of the health-care law is grossly underestimated, by $1 trillion ...
Higher Expenses, Lower Revenue. Other than that, peachy.
I suggest we copy the strategy of the Byzantines when they ran into this problem - more chariot races!

posted by Open Blogger at
11:24 PM
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