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June 14, 2011
Meanwhile... Back at the Ranch
Perry to have a howdy-do with Rudy Giuliani.
They'll probably talk about all the cultural affinities they have in common. That's what I figure.
On the other hand, I should say that while I never previously saw the logic of a fresh Giuliani run, now I sort of do. Giuliani is almost disqualified due to his very soft position on abortion.
However, in a primary, he'd compete with Romney for the establishment/Northeastern Republican type vote. (And not all NE Republican types live in the northeast.)
So he would have a logical niche: Okay, I've got that gay marriage/abortion baggage. But I don't have the RomneyCare baggage.
Now, who wins in that sort of intermural scrum in the moderate division of the primary? Probably Romney, as he's generally been stronger in debates and furthermore has been working hard at this since... well, he never stopped running for President, actually. So he has all sorts of on-the-ground or bank-account advantages Giuliani doesn't and won't.
However, it is possible Giuliani could win the Moderate Playoff, which may be enough to get in.
So yeah, I figure this is what Perry is feeling out Giuliani about. Not sure why Perry really cares, as I can see a case for a Giuliani vs. Romney scrum helping him.
But if Giuliani isn't running, of course Perry will want some high profile endorsements.
Via @allahpundit on Twitter.