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June 14, 2011
Obama: “There are days when I say one term is enough”
Gratuitously swiped from Hot Air. Right down to the headline.
“I’m sure there are days where I say that one term is enough,’’ Obama said. “What keeps me going is a belief that the work that we started in 2009 is not yet complete.’
Funny thing, Barry. There are days when I say that too. They're the ones that end in "y".
And, please, pencils down on the work you started. You've fucked up enough.
[Companion sob story update 1:] Poor Barry never even takes a day off. He gets in two hours of "work" before his 10:00 tee time, so ... f'n workday bitchez!!!
[Companion sob story update 2:] If he had it to do all over again, he'd spend more time with his children. Or something.
All these stories seem ... related. I just can't quite put my finger on it.