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June 13, 2011
Tomorrow, We Die; But Tonight, We Debate!
Peeps gettin' ready to jump ugly on Romney?
Although Republicans usually shy away from bare-knuckled exchanges in the early debates, there are indications that unspoken rule may be tossed out the window early this cycle.
On Fox News Sunday, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty lowered the boom on Romney by calling President Barack Obama’s controversial healthcare reforms “Obamneycare.”
“President Obama said that he designed Obamacare after Romneycare and basically made it Obamneycare,” Pawlenty said. “What I don’t understand is that they both continue to defend it.”
Romney will literally be the man in the middle -- CNN has used some arcane technique of basing position on the stage by NH polling data, and have put Romney dead in the middle, in everyone's sights, with candidates placed further from the middle based on current NH popularity. Why NH popularity? I don't know, because it's CNN.
On the outer perimeters will be Cain and Santorum. Oddly, Newt Gingrich, who is really no longer running for President but is rather creating a "decent interval" until his withdrawal, will be one of the two men closest to Romney.
Of course, left-wing propaganda organ CNN will be "moderating," or perhaps "lefterating," this "debate," which, as usual, is not a debate but a joint press conference with intermittent clapping, so the most important question is:
Will CNN's debate be total gayballz?
Jim Geraghty weighs in on this gayballz-or-not-gayballz issue. Based on past occasions of leftwing propaganda outlets lefterating Republican debates, the evidence predicts a high gayballz quotient.
Expect sixty bazillion questions about evolution, dinosaurs, abortion, and, of course, gay marriage. All of the wedge issues they have very similar answers on, tiny differences endlessly explored, to communicate to CNN's public "these people disagree with you on big things; don't vote for them."
They never do this with Democrats. There are a lot of weird, unpopular positions Democrats are required to hold; oddly enough, the networks are never all that keen to dwell on such issues.
Andy will be hosting a liveblog of the gayballz proceedings here.
One snag: I won't really be participating. I have a previous commitment, if you can imagine such a thing. If I can get my tech to work, I may be able to pop off irrelevant asides, which is the extent of my contributions in most cases anyhow.