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June 11, 2011
Police Conclude Investigation; Say They Expect No Further Comment Unless Situation Changes
BAN WARNING. Since people apparently don't read to the end, I'll put it here.
This is in the hands of the police and no further speculations about the private individuals in this matter are warranted. There is no need to race to try to get "in front of the evidence," like it's the Belmont Stakes.
The suspicions are so obvious they don't need to be said.
Official last warning: Get off the girl. Talk about Weiner and his behavior. Further speculation beyond what is known and confirmed, with respect to any party except Weiner, is subject to immediate, no-further-warning ban.
Strict liability. I see anyone hint that the girl is implicated, you're gone, period.
Which I take, unless I hear better, for "we have no criminal interest here."
I don't think a live criminal investigation gets "concluded" until the trial. If they say it's "concluded," that means they have no evidence of criminal contact.
Which is why I got so insane about not speculating too much. We had an investigation in place. We had cops involved. We can afford to wait to hear what they have to say.
C.R. McLeod, a spokesman for the New Castle County government, told The Associated Press on Saturday that investigators have concluded their probe and don't plan any further comment "unless something new arises that needs their attention."
People really need to stop confusing what they want to be true for what is likely to be true.
I continue to maintain these contacts were wholly inappropriate, even if non-criminal. I have repeated my reasons for believing this enough.
A guy who sometimes sends dic-pics to admirers should not be cultivating an online relationship with a 17 year old girl. Period.
Ban Warning: At the top of the post. I've banned six people so far and can ban 60 if it's needed.
You will respect my wishes on this.