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June 10, 2011
David Mamet, Interviewed By Dennis Miller
This must be something people are interested in, right?
Before I heard about WeinerGate, I wrote a piece on Mamet's movies, and his political conversion, which I actually intended to be most of my output that Memorial Day weekend. That didn't work out as I thought it would.
Good piece, I think. And there's some good counter-trolling in the comments, as I admit to "erg," little by little, that I am, in fact, a Time Traveler.
"I admire your cajones, baby."
Mamet's explanation of what began his process of the ideological reboot: "I finally met a conservative."
Palin fans should note that they're both fairly positive (with some criticism) of Palin. Sort of a mixed, realistic view, lean towards the positive.
Oh, and they're both going kookoobananas over Hayek's Road to Serfdom.
More Mamet? Hobbitopoly tells me Mamet will be on Limbaugh at 2pm.
Miller: Weiner a "Nasty Piece of Work:" At Breitbart.tv, natch.