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June 09, 2011
Obama at 41% Approval in Texas
Re-elect number is at 43%, with 50% saying "for the love of God someone else".
Shaky numbers, but hey, it is just Texas. Maybe we need to really worry.
Oh wait. Those numbers aren't for the Lone Star State.
They are for Pennsylvania:
"When asked if they think President Obama deserves reelection, 43% say he has done his job well enough to deserve reelection, while 50% say it is time to give a new person a chance. The fact that 1 in 2 voters say they are looking for someone else suggests Obama has very little room to grow and that Pennsylvania will again be a toss-up state in next year’s presidential election, particularly if the slow economic recovery continues to haunt the president."
This according to Susquehanna Polling and Research's latest release here.
One silly poll though doesn't mean a trend right?
Well, before OBL became shark feces and bad economic news started pummeling us yet again, noted right-wing pollster Tom Jensen of the uber-conservative Public Policy Polling found the same ugly numbers back in April.
Here is the deal. Pennsylvania always flirts with us, but has not gone red since 1988. That painful fact already declared (so no need to mindlessly repeat it like Eeyore with a stuttering problem down in the comments) these numbers are just ugly for President Obama. Pennsylvania was a killing field for Democrats in 2010, and his approval ratings at the time were actually better during the Demplosion than now.
Pennsylvania is, in my view, the ultimate barometer for what 2012 will look like. There are eight states that voted more Republican than Pennsylvania in 2000, 2004, and 2008. Another four that voted more Republican than Pennsylvania in 2 out of those 3 elections:

It is very, very safe to say if the President has lost this state, say hello to President (INSERT REPUBLICAN HERE).