« Game Changer? Patterico Teases Evidence That Weiner May Have Had Friendly Frivolities With Frivolous Friends Who Weren't Necessarily of Frivolously Legal Age
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June 09, 2011
Patterico Part 2; And, Sidenote, I'm Getting Sick and Tired of Always Being So ***-Damned Right
"Capes and tights and shit."
I have previously made the case as to why this would be strongly suggestive evidence of inappropriate private familiarity. Skip down to my "Guess" part for that.
Does this prove the girls did anything wrong? No.
Does this prove Weiner said anything truly untoward? No.
But I refresh the question I asked at the end of the last post:
What in the Holy Hell is Weiner doing having friendly, familiar, private discussions with teenaged schoolgirls in the first place?
Can anyone postulate any likely scenario in which Weiner has a perfectly innocent intent here and yet has to take this crap private?

Tights? Why are you talking about
tights with an underage girl?
What did you think was going to happen here?