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June 08, 2011
Reporter To Ann Coulter: Does It Bother You That People Like Me, And My Colleagues, And My Friends, And My Professors, And My Non-Denominational Spirit Guides, And My Sex-Partners, All Hate You?
Note that just as many people "hate" a partisan like Howard Dean. Or Joy Behar. Or... Anthony Weiner.
Or Barack Hussein Obama, for that matter. Not sure if you've checked the polls or if you, like many liberals, have established a No Bummer Zone -- but your buddy-boy is pretty unpopular. Far, far more people hate Obama than Coulter -- simply because far more people know Obama than Coulter, and, oh, also: Ann Coulter didn't drop an atomic bomb on to the American economic system.
Why are these people never asked if the "hatred" gets to them?
Ah. That's right -- because the people who hate Joy Behar don't count. They are not really people, not fully. They are the Gamma Minuses of the world.
On the other hand, the people who hate Ann Coulter count. They're real people -- hell, they might be something above that. They are the Alpha Plus Alphas.
Also note that Moran speaks of the "hate" here in lighthearted terms -- because this hate, you see, is understandable.
To the extent a liberal ever gets asked about "hate," it's not this sort of puckish, jovial hate (which is well-earned). No, in that case, we put our Serious Faces on and ask how these Heroes are managing to survive in this dark landscape of evil murderous hatred.
Liberal hate: Good; how do conservatives feel knowing all the Good People justifiably hate them?
Conservative hate: Bad; alert the authorities and award medals of conspicuous bravery to the survivors of such hatred
The media continues to not get bias. They do not get that when they routinely only treat half of the population of the country as inhuman animals beneath respect -- respect, shit, beneath simple acknowledgement -- they are projecting over and over and over again that only they and their like-minded liberal buddies matter.
Well to hell with you. Your repellent suggestion that half the nation are some kind of lumpenproletariat too crude and embarrassing to as so much as mention in polite company is more disgusting than anything Anthony Weiner's done in the last month.
At least people notice what Anthony Weiner did. What you do, every day, is so common that people -- even the ones you insult and disregard -- hardly even notice it any more.

And here's one with a dirty word in it.
Corrected: It wasn't Terry Moran who asked the question. He teased the clip but the reporter was Dan Harris.
I've changed the headline, vaguely, to "Reporter." Because I honestly never heard of Dan Harris.