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June 08, 2011
Chris Christie, Who Is Not Running For President, Makes Me Want To Accidentally Send A Picture Of My Gentleman Caller Through A Tweet
Privatize New Jersey's stupid stake in public broadcasting? Yes please thank you.
You want a quote? You got a quote:
:We are looking forward to this new partnership, which we think will serve the people of New Jersey extraordinarily well,” Christie said. “It also meets our goal of making sure government is out of the broadcasting business. In my view that should have ended with the Soviet Union. It’s ending here in New Jersey a little later than the fall of the wall in Berlin, but we’re getting there."
It's unfair to talk like that and then not run. It's a GOP-tease.
Also there, and also at Patterico, Ed Schultz gets it "right" on WeinerGate. He calls for Weiner to resign.
However, someone pointed out the other day (forget who, sorry), Ed Schultz suggested this first as a need to "take one for the team," and continues urging resignation as a means of protecting the Democratic Party from further harm.
So is he doing the "right" thing? On one hand, it's nice to have confirmation that MSNBC is expressly, admittedly, avowedly a media arm of the DNC; on the other hand, they also continue to make a laughable pretense of not so being, so what's red-faced anger-slut Ed Schultz doing trying to wargame for them?
One more from Verum Serum: Anyone notice the politicians all use the same "Serious Shame" face?
What's up with that? Is that because this is just a real Serious Shame face that we all use, or is this rehearsed, like the stupid crap they do with their hands when speaking to appear "authoritative but not threatening," like that stupid bent-over thumb-point all the Democrats do?