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June 05, 2011
What If They Gave a War, And Nobody Cared?
Is anybody in the Make Believe Media watching this thing we're carrying on in Libya?
British warplanes struck a military barracks in the capital Tripoli, while Apache helicopters were used against Gadhafi strongholds along the coast. Arab satellite channels say the deployment of attack helicopters has galvanized rebel fighters, while sapping the morale of Gadhafi loyalists.
Apache helicopters. I've heard of these. In fact, I see em almost every day running training sorties around my house here in central Texas close to Ft. Hood. I think I know what they can do and how they do it. In Libya.
Meanwhile Dennis Kucinich receives messages from space while the rest of the congress says "ok, uh, what is it again we're up to? Saving human lives in Libya from an oppressive regime? Is that it?"
I'm still trying to understand how Obama gets a pass on this regarding Gaddafhi.....oh.. wait..
Ok I remember now.
Carry on NATO.

posted by Dave In Texas at
05:33 PM
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